14.03.2014. The Voice of Russia: Operation Independence Continues — Anonymous exposes US invasion plans in Ukraine
By tomorrow, the 15th of March 2014, the United States, through its agents in Ukraine, will begin a series of false flag attacks on targets in Ukraine which have been designed to make it look as if they were carried out by the Special Forces of the Russian Federation.
This information has been made available and was released through several forums used by Anonymous Ukraine. Members of Anonymous Ukraine, who are involved in what Anonymous has called Operation Independence, have independently verified that Anonymous is the source for the e-mails. Among the three key e-mail is one containing the initial instructions from the US Army Assistant Army Attaché Jason P. Gresh to a senior official of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army named Igor Protsuyuk. Again Anonymous has exposed treason by Ukrainian officials and the egregious illegal meddling of the United Sates into the affairs of a sovereign nation.
Anonymous Ukraine is operating in what can only be described as a hot war zone where almost all communications and internet access are either completely controlled and intercepted or have been shut down. Contacts in Anonymous Ukraine have also stated that there is a campaign by the US Government and the current illegitimate regime which illegally seized power to demonize and discredit Anonymous.
Anonymous Ukraine does not support what they call "the Bandera Nazis" because: they do not represent the Ukrainian people, they have deposed the democratically elected president, they have destabilized the country, they have killed hundreds of peaceful Ukrainian and they have completely taken over the media and the internet.
Anonymous Ukraine has therefore stated that those running the Facebook page under "Anonymous Ukraine" are CIA and US Government lackeys who are promoting nazis and destroying their country before selling it to NATO, the US and the EU.
Members of Anonymous Ukraine are in fear for their safety and have stated that the Bandera nazis have issued orders to execute those responsible for previous releases of their hacked e-mails and the recording of telephone conversations that have been made available on-line. They have also noticed heightened activity by the NSA and CIA against all of their web resources.
Anonymous Ukraine is monitoring all communications in Ukraine and also regularly attacking all NATO, NSA and CIA resources as well as those of the Udar Party, the Svoboda Party, the offices and structures of the new government and has intercepted almost all of the e-mails of the Bandera Nazis.
With regard to Russia a source in Anonymous said that they are monitoring Russia communication in Ukraine as well and do not want to Russia annex their country. If the people of Crimea want to join Russia Anonymous supports the will of the people. The internet is still free in Crimea and the situation there is table. However members of the collective are extremely upset with the censorship that the Bandera nazis have implemented.
With regard to more leaks our source said there is too much information but that they are getting almost everything. Whether this is true or not one this is certain, Anonymous has not backed off and is surely becoming a headache for the illegitimate authorities in Kiev.
The members polled for this statement do not represent all of Anonymous. They represent a segment of the collective currently active in Ukraine and other regions.
Anonymous Ukraine Statement:
Greetings citizens of the world. We are Anonymous Ukraine Operation Independence Ukraine continues.
Western hirelings and fascists are attempting to start a war with Russia in Ukraine.
Much of Ukraine is now under the control of the Bandera nazis but all is not lost. We are winning. We continue to uncover and expose to the world the evil plans the United States, NATO, the European Union, the NSA, the CIA, the IMF and their corporate banker masters have for Ukraine. We will not let this stand. We will expose every detail of their plan. We will never forgive them for what they have done to Ukraine and they will pay the cost.
Ukraine has no government. Those in the Verhovnaya Rada are self-appointed Nazi killers and do not represent the Ukrainian people.
We repeat. Anonymous Ukraine continues to support peace and the right of the people of Ukraine and the Crimea to self determination. The Bandera Nazis and fascist thugs that are pretending to be the voice of the people will be stopped. The US/NATO invasion of Ukraine will be stopped. Their puppets will be exposed and brought to justice.
Murderers and fascist thugs who kill police and members of the security services of Ukraine do not represent the will or the wishes of the people of Ukraine. Nazis who deny the Nuremberg Trials at the United Nations do not represent the will of the people.
Anonymous Ukraine supports the Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Tartars, Jews and others that the Bandera nazis want to kill. They are also Anonymous.
We have hacked the e-mail correspondence of the US Army and the Nazi Trident in Ukraine including the US Army Attaché’s Assistant in Kiev Jason Gresh and yet another high ranking Bandera Nazi from the Ukrainian General Staff Igor Protsyk.
The western hirelings and traitors are planning to conduct a series of attacks on Ukrainian military bases in order to destabilize the situation in Ukraine. The want to stop the referendum in Crimea. They want war with Russia.
The US Army writes to Igor Protsyk that it’s time to implement a plan that implies causing problems to the transport hubs in the south-east of Ukraine in order to frame-up the neighbor. It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon to act.
Russia is Ukraine’s friend. We Anonymous, have witnessed the support for the people of Ukraine by Russia. Russia has kept order in Crimea while the Bandera nazis have destroyed much of what the people cherish. The Bandera nazis want blood and war for Ukraine. Then they will sell Ukraine to NATO and the United States and take their money to another country like Julia Timoshenko whose accounts we have also hacked and which we can empty at will.
The United States and its puppets in Ukraine in Ukraine want to start a war with Russia. Obama cannot be allowed to kill the peoples of the world any longer. The Bandera nazis refuse to return Ukraine to the people. They do not listen.
Citizens of the world. We repeat. The people of Ukraine do not want European Union integration. The people of Ukraine do not want NATO on their territory. The people of Ukraine voted for President Yanukovich to lead them in fair and just democratic elections. He is still the President of Ukraine.
The people of Ukraine plea to the President and to Russia for help in ending the siege of Ukraine by Nazi thugs and murderous gangs. The people of Ukraine do not want to see their beloved capital Kiev occupied by western hirelings and Bandera nazis. The people of Ukraine want their independence to be recognized and be allowed to determine their own fate without pressure from US, NATO, European Union. The people of Ukraine want peace and want the Bandera Nazis to be stopped once and for all.
Anonymous Ukraine does not like nor support what is happening in Ukraine now. Anonymous Ukraine thanks President Putin for protecting President Yanukovich. We appeal to the president of our country who is hiding in Russia to return to Ukraine and restore order and rid Ukraine of the Bandera nazis and the Western hirelings.
Anonymous Ukraine calls for Ukraine to be unified and independent. The government of Ukraine promoted the country's integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions despite the reluctance of Ukrainian people. Ukrainian citizens realize that signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union will lead to the collapse of Ukrainian economy in the near future. We express our support to the people of our country.
We want Ukrainian government and EU leadership to understand that people of Ukraine do not want their country to become a raw material donor to Europe. Ukraine must be free. We do not want to be dependent on other countries or organizations. Ukrainian people do not need a speculative Association Agreement with the European Union. Ukraine does not need the International Monetary Fund or the western banksters and their conditions. We do not need to be servants of NATO. Ukraine does not need the European Union. Ukraine does not need NATO. Ukraine should not be anybody's servant. Ukraine is not a cheap prostitute for Obama.
The Russian people of Ukraine make up a hardworking and intelligent part of Ukrainian society. The Russian people are brothers and sisters to the Ukrainian people. We do not support demonizing the Russian people. We do not support making the Russian language illegal and we do not support the destruction of monuments and churches by the Bandera Nazis.
We stand for independent Ukraine. We declare the continuation of Operation Independence. We will strike at the web resources of countries and organizations that pose a threat to freedom and independence of Ukraine!
The Bandera Nazis did not listen. Their leader Dimitry Yarosh will soon understand what the words expect us mean. They have proven the weak cowards that we knew they were.
We will continue to take their sites down and publish every communication they make. We will continue attacking all of their web resources.
Anonymous does not attack media sources but that is when the media is free. The Bandera nazi media can therefore expect us.
We will protect Ukraine from Western hirelings and fascists that are trying to hurl Ukraine into chaos! We do not want them to start a war!
We are Anonymous Ukraine.
We are the Patriots of our country.
We Do Not Forgive.
We Do Not Forget.
Do Not Expect Us.
We Are Already Here.
E-Mail 1
From: Jason P. Gresh GreshJP@state.gov
To: Igor Protsuyuk igor.protsyk@gmail.com, ivprotsyk@mil.gov.ua
Subj: Peninsula
Date: Sun, 9 March 2014 17:57:09 +0200
Events are moving fast in the Crimea. Our friends in Washington expect more decisive action from your network.
This comments underlines the desperation and the rush that the US has in cementing their overthrow of Ukraine. They can not risk that there will democratic elections and a legitimate government which will so no to NATO, the EU, the IMF and the US.
I think it's time to implement the plan we discussed lately. Your job is to cause some problems to the transport hubs in the south-east in order to frame-up the neighbor.
The neighbor in this case means the Russian Federation. One note, for a military attaché Mr. Gresh’s English is not that good but he could be talking down to his hirelings.
It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon and the Company to act.
Of course the phrase "the Company" means the Central Intelligence Agency.
Do not waste time, my friend.
Jason P. Gresh
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Assistant Army Attaché
U.S. Embassy, Kyiv
Tankova 4, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112
(380-44) 521 - 5444 | Fax: (380-44) 521 - 5636
E-Mail 2
From: Igor Protsuyuk igor.protsyk@gmail.com,
To: Basil Labaichuk krivonis.te@gmail.com
Subj: Get active in Melitopol
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 5:50:35 -0700
You must launch actions in Melitopole very quickly . The 25th Air Transport Brigade is located there.
We need to mess with (pull in, provoke) our sworn friends and our good neighbors . I think you understand me .
This phrase is interesting in the use of the term “sworn friends” which may mean their terrorist allies, the other parts of their Trident or Yatsenyuk and Klitcschko themselves.
You must proceed carefully and cautiously.
The 25th Air Brigade is currently on combat missions, so make sure no great harm comes to the planes .
There are already damaged aircraft at the location, with those you can do whatever you want. I will send you there registration numbers.
Remember, it is necessary to make everything look like it was a real attack by Russian Special Forces .
The Brigade Commander there is an intelligent man.
He will not know the details but in an extreme case you can turn to him. We will warn him.
Colonel Igor Protsyk
Chief of Staff, Bilateral Military Cooperation Division, Main Directorate for Military Cooperation and PKO
General Staff, Armed Forces of Ukraine
tel +38044 481-5407 cell +38067 407 97 40
e-mail: i.v.protsyk@mil.gov.ua e-mail: protsyk@ukr.net
E-Mail 3
From: Basil Labaichuk krivonis.te@gmail.com
To: Oleg Kolyarny kolyarny@gmail.com
CC: igor.protsyk@gmail.com
Subj: Urgent need to make some noise
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 9:20:46 -0700
Oleg, there is an urgent need to make noise attributed to Muscovites (epithet) at the Melitopole air base. This must be done before March 15. You already understand why.
First of all you need to contact Paschke (Pavel) Tarasenko . You must know him, he's from local Svoboda Party and is in on the plan.
10-12 guys will be arriving there from the Center.
They are the best fighters of the Trident. Misha (Mihail) is in charge, you should know him too. He will fill you in on the details. You must meet these people and ensure that they have everything they need.
Proceed with caution. Speak only in Russian.
The 25th Air Brigade is currently engaged in combat missions, so do not do a lot of damage to the aircraft.
There are plenty of scrap (damaged) aircraft there and you can do whatever you like with them. You will be told which damaged aircraft you can attack.
It is vital that everything looks like as real attack by our neighbor’s (Russian) commandos. But without bodies.
Give me your account details again. The money will come on time, do not worry .
See the attached file. It is just a proposal. Decide yourself what to do.
Stay tuned for more revelations. Any views and opinions expressed here are my own or belong to certain Anonymous hacktivsts who wish to remain anonymous for their own safety. I can be reached at robles@ruvr.ru.
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